Thursday, October 4, 2012


Why were slaves important for the economy?  Slaves were important to the economy because there were not enough colonial settlers to complete the jobs that needed to be done in the new America.  Settlers had seen the way slavery had enhanced life for Caribbean nations, and so slaves were bought and brought to the America’s to enhance the quality of life for the people who had settled here.  Slaves were trained to perform the manual tasks of farming and taught skills to assist the settlers with their acts of daily life.  This helped cash crops become more profitable and also helped commodities be sold to other countries faster, creating more wealth for the new Americans.  The government was able to tax the sale of slaves, and so it helped aid in the ways that the government assisted with trade and lawmaking at the time.  Overall, slavery was good for the economy at the time. 

What type of jobs did slaves do?  Slaves performed many tasks for the new American settlers.  Some of these included:  manual labor jobs such as farming, butlers, sailors, and launderers,  carriage drivers and grooms. Slaves were also artisans such as carpenters, stonemasons, blacksmiths, and weavers.

How do you think the slaves felt about their situation?  I am sure that the slaves felt captured, like animals.  Used and tortured, this was not the kind of life that human beings dream of.  I am positive that they felt that their own people had sold them and were traitors, and that life was a step they had to take just to die in the fields of their owners. 

Why was slavery wrong?  Today it is illegal to have slaves.  This is because in America we have basic rights as citizens that should universal.  They are the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  At any point when you dehumanize a person, you have committed a terrible and inexcusable crime against humanity.

What alternatives to slavery were there?  More manpower was indeed needed, but instead of forcing slaves to perform this type of labor, they could have offered a trade with those people for food and lodging without abuse and contempt.  They could have hired them and paid them with commodities.  There are many ways that laborers can be convinced to work other than beating and capturing humans to do an owners bidding.  

Friday, June 22, 2012

Latin America Land

The International Amusement Park will have an entire land devoted to Latin America and its culture.  Dubai is a worldwide center for executives for the most part, with very little of them being from Latin America.  This leaves the local population with very little exposure to Latin America and the phenomenal beauty that it provides the world.  I would insist that there by a roller coaster like the one below to bring tourists into Latin America Land without them having to walk.  This way, not only would they have a great adventure upon entering, but they would also be able to see the beauty of the rainforest that I would create to simulate the Amazon River and its surrounding areas at the entrance point of Latin America. Throughout the roller coaster ride, visitors would see indigenous animals that can be found in Latin America such as the unique snakes, birds and wildlife found in the Amazon.  While taking a slow ride into the land, they would see the beautiful displays and then immediately be spun into an upside-down frenzy of roller coaster bliss to glide through the rainforest.

One attraction that I think is important is the understanding of the Amazon River.  I would create a water ride that offered the fun of being splashed around a lot while offering the riders a view of the beautiful river while providing examples of things that happen on that river and why it is so important to Latin America.  They would ride by huts where people “lived” and see children out by the river catching fish for their supper.  They would see how that culture lives off of the land and how they protect themselves from the wild animals that live in the area.  I would also make sure to include an area where developers are destroying the rainforest around the Amazon River to build upon the industry in the area.  Somehow  I would want to make people realize that these industries are killing the habitat of the people who live on and depend upon the river as well as the animals that cohabitate with them. 

Next, they would go through an underground tunnel that would showcase some of the dangerous fish and snakes that live in the river such as anacondas, piranhas, eels, and other snakes and fish that make up the wildlife.  Also there would be crocodiles and alligators on land caged so that they could not hurt anyone.  Lastly, I would have the incredible birds that are found in rainforests such as parrots and an educational bit about how they actually do use tools and communicate with each other.  While it would be a fun ride, and fast and wet during some of the adventure, the ride would give great understanding to the tourists interested in the Latin American culture.   

Because of the immigration influences in Latin America all sorts of cuisine can be found there from Italian dishes to Pizza and French/European food.  I want my customers to experience the food that is specifically unique to the region.  My menu would include the following:

Tuna-Served steamed, grilled and as part of other dishes.  Tuna is found in abundance in Latin America.

Refried Beans
Taco’s (tuna as well)
Carnita’s (largely because of the livestock raised for distribution around the world)
Beef fajitas, beef tacos, and other beef dishes such as soups and stews to showcase the many different ways that beef is prepared in South America.
Many tortillas and other dishes made from Maze (corn) which is a popular food in all of Latin America.
Lobster Tail
Lobster/Shrimp Kabobs

Each one of these dishes would feature the unique spices found in most of Latin American food.  I would feature a unique selection of Tequila cocktails since this alcohol is frequently made in most parts of Latin America out of the Blue Agave plant.  From Salsa to homemade tortilla chips, my restaurant, “Latino Style Cuisine”  would please any palette.

Picture of Blue Agave Plant, Picture of Taco, Picture of Salsa

Part 4
The Souvenir shop found in Latin America Land would be unique, featuring gifts that would be made into Educational memories for young children and adults alike.  For the children I would have stuffed animals that look like the real animals featured in Latin America Land.  There would be stuffed anacondas, stuffed piranhas, stuffed parrots, and stuffed lions, tigers and bears!   Children will love the lush animals found in the souvenir shop at an affordable price.  For the adults I will have the woven rugs and apparel that is made in Latin America by the natives that depend on the land for their clothing.  These will be in all of the colors found in this part of the world.  Sombrero’s will be a feature they can find in part of my store as well.  Some of the great native frozen beef can be purchased in bulk and shipped at great rates. 

Customer’s will find jewelery made of indigenous rocks found in Argentina and Brazil.  Sauces made from the pepper plants found in Latin America will be showcased as well and available for shipping.  A broad variety of spices can be obtained as well as clothing that is popular in Latin America.  Plaques with maps that feature the Amazon River Ride and a picture taken of the guest will be sold there for some amazing memories.

Part 5
The exhibit would be of museum-quality artifacts from the Amazon and Latin Americas before the European’s settled in parts of Latin America.  It would really showcase the diversity of this region and the forgotten histories of the original people who lived there.  Artifacts of ceramic and stone, jade and gold, bone and textiles that show illustrations of the past.   From the arrival of humans in the Americas to the discovery of ancient Amazon cultures and the deciphering of lost histories written by the Maya and Aztec, Imagining the Americas challenges us to rethink the past and to recognize 13,000 years of life in Latin America before Europe looked to the west.  Pictures below would be the primary focus of my exhibit.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Shelby Watson
M/J Science

Example of Mechanical Weathering:

This is an example of mechanical weathering.  This type of weathering happens when a physical force tears apart or re-arranges rock formations.  This type of weathering requires no chemical reactions to take place, but is simply caused by a force of some type.

Example of Chemical Weathering:

Limestone cavern - photo courtesy of David Elliot

Chemical weathering is when any chemical (in this example, it is rainwater) reacts with another substance (such as the minerals in rocks) causing erosion or change in the rocks structure and appearance.

Example of Wind Erosion:

Wind Erosion is the movement of material from one place to another. Sometimes it can be strong enough to move very big rocks. In this case it happened over an extremely long period of time.

Water Erosion:

This is an example of Water Erosion. Water erosion occurs when water flows over or drops onto a surface, causing it to wear away over time.

Glacier Erosion:  

Glacier erosion happens when ice moves through rocks and land.  It is a physical force normally caused by earthquakes.  This picture is a wonderful example of where ice moved between rocks.